Let’s Connect at CES 2025: Build Your Next IoT Success Story with Us
by Megan Hemmings
We are closed Monday, Jan 20th in honor of MLK, Jr. Day.
Q: In introduction, you show Canbus as a 2 wire network. It is my understanding this is not exactly true.. All devices MUST share common ground. The Standard Hardware receiver are not differential in nature.
A: You are correct, it is recommended to have a ground, but not always needed
Q: I Can open a deferential protocol as well...?
A: If you mean CANopen, it is a higher layer protocol, which uses CAN as Datalink layer. So on the physical layer it uses CAN and this is differential.
Q: Is there any low level CRC check that is not on the 8 bytes of data.
A: Yes, in the Datalink Layer of CAN there is a CRC which is checked in hardware for every frame.
Q: Is there any low level CRC check that is not on the 8 bytes of data.
A: The CRC is not part of the payload (the 8 data bytes), it has a extra field in the frame.
Q: Are all CAN open IDs 11 bit?
A: In CANopen it uses 11bit-IDs by default, but 29bit-IDs can be used. This is then part of the configuration for the services. But CANopen itself could exist in the the 11bit range.
Q: How CRC detect error
A: Its done in hardware. Every transmitter submits a crc in the crc-field, and the receiver checks if this is correct. All done in hardware/lower layer, so you won’t see it. If the crc is correct then the hardware acceppts the frame and passes it to the micro.
Q: Are j1939 PGNs "controlled"? as in does a vendor have to register the PGN? or is it "open"?
A: PGNs are are predefined in the DigitialAnnex, but c of course could be changed. So you would say it’s open, but the plud-n-play get lost if you don’t follow the recommendation.
Q: What do you recommend as your best source of SPN/PGNs identification ...?
A: Usually the DigitalAnnex. This is a list with all predefined PGNs/SPNs. And the docs of the device itself ;)
Q: why trucks using j1939 and not iso15765
A: if you mean iso15765-2, it is only a transport protocol and says nothing about the content which is transported. In CANopen and J1939 even the content is defined somehow. ISO-TP (iso15765) knows only binary blobs and the transported data has to be interpreted later (like in UDS)
Q: If I have a list of PGNs but cannot identify them, what source would you recommend?
A: Digital Annex from the SAE or device spec/docs.
Q: Is it possible to have J1939 and CAN Open devices, (thus two communication protocols) on the same bus?
A: Yes in general, if the CAN-IDs don’t collide. So if you use CANopen with 11bit IDs both can run on the same bus without problems.
Q: What is the biggest concern between mixing protocols like Canopen and j1939
A: Mixing CAN-IDs.
Q: Digital annex is only available from sae and not free?
A: Yes, the Annex is not free, some tools have interpretation
Q: Does message identifier also identifies the device to which the data is sent?
A: Depends on the protocol, and the service.
Q: Could you tell what kind of protocol the KOMATSU machines work
A: KOMATSU drills use J1939 and CAN Open protocols.
Q: What is the best way to get pricing on emotas software tools like CANopen DeviceExplorer?
A: For North America you can check out Grid Connect. For everywhere else, please contact emotas directly.
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Technical Leader and Teacher with a demonstrated history of helping customers understand, deploy and operate industrial networking, IoT/IIoT connectivity, and wireless technologies. I enjoy finding solutions to complex product design and networking problems to meet time to market, budgetary and operational requirements.
Torsten Gedenk, born in 1979. He studied electrical engineering with focus on programming of microcontrollers at Fachhochschule Mittweida/Germany. During an intership semester in 2001 he made comprehensive experience with CAN and CANopen. As a consequence his diploma thesis was about the development of a CANopen Configuration tool, which has been realised later on.
Apart from his management activities he is responsible for the development of CANopen, J1939, UDS, EnergyBus and EtherCAT tools. He also holds CANopen and EnergyBus seminars in Germany and abroad
by Megan Hemmings
by Megan Hemmings
by Megan Hemmings
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