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Amazon FreeRTOS on Espressif ESP32!

Espressif Systems collaborates with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to offer Amazon FreeRTOS for their ESP32 products. Making Internet of Things (IoT) easier by providing a secure connection between ESP32-based devices and AWS cloud services.

PROFIBUS Troubleshooting Tool Demonstration

his is a brief tutorial on how to operate the Procentec PROFIBUS Troubleshooting Toolkit Ultra Plus. For this tutorial, the PROFIBUS Troubleshooting Toolkit Ultra Plus is used. The PROFIBUS Training Kit will also be utilized; this is used for our troubleshooting and maintenance training using the ProfiTrace tools. In the PROFIBUS Training Kit, there is a PLC in the bottom of the case as well as five devices in the inner lid of the case. The last thing we will use is a Windows PC that is running ProfiTrace software.

PROFIBUS Troubleshooting Demo: Bar Graph

The next thing we will take a look at is the “Bar graph” tab, which is directly to the right of the ScopeWare one. The bar graph is measuring the amplitude of the signal coming from each device. On the graph, there is the signal and address on the far left in which the ProfiCore Ultra is connected to in order for it to be the strongest. Devices further away have a little bit less strength in signal.

PROFIBUS Troubleshooting Tool Demo: Messages

Another thing that can be done with ProfiTrace is to look at the messages that are being sent on the bus. To access these messages, click on the “Messages” tab that is above the matrix. This will be in line with the live list and statistic tabs that we have previously used.

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